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Bláfugl, Bluebird Nordic
Rekstrarform einkahlutafélag
Stofnað október 2000
Staðsetning Lyngháls 4, Reykjavík
Lykilpersónur Sigurður Ágústsson, framkvæmdastjóri
Starfsemi Fragtflugfélag
Vefsíða http://www.bluebird.is

Bláfugl (stofnað í október 2000) er alþjóðlegt fragtflugfélag.[1] Í febrúar 2005 yfirtók Icelandair flugfélagið og gerði að dótturfyrirtæki Icelandair Group.[2]

Eink Raðnr. Tegund Eigandi Umráðandi
TF-BBA 1254 The Boeing Company 777-367ER STLC Europe Twenty Five Leasing Limited Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBB 1255 The Boeing Company 777-300ER STLC Europe Twenty Five Leasing Limited Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBC 1256 The Boeing Company 777-300ER STLC Europe Twenty Five Leasing Limited Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBG 901 The Boeing Company 737-36E Bláfugl ehf. Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBH 902 The Boeing Company 737-4YOF AviaAM Leasing DMCC Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBJ 1112 The Boeing Company 737-476SF AFO Aircraft (NZ) Ltd Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBK 1173 The Boeing Company 737-4Q8 KV MSN 26302 Aircraft DAC Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBL 1188 The Boeing Company 737-490 Wilmington Trust Company, as Owner Trustee Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBM 1189 The Boeing Company 737-4Q8 V76A-734 LLC Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBN 1234 The Boeing Company 737-4B3 Regency Aero Lease Inc. Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBO 913 The Boeing Company 737-46B Regency Aero Lease Inc. Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBP 1245 The Boeing Company 737-8F2 Wellington Leasing No. 54 Limited Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBQ 1246 The Boeing Company 737-8F2 Wellington Leasing No. 55 Limited Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBR 1266 The Boeing Company 737-800BCF BBAM Freighter B Leane 2 Limited Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBT 1275 The Boeing Company 737-800 ACS Aero 2 Epsilon Limited Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBU 1276 The Boeing Company 737-800 ACS Aero 2 Epsilon Limited Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBX 1264 The Boeing Company 777-200 AviaAM Leasing DMCC Bláfugl ehf.



[breyta | breyta frumkóða]
  1. Stofna nýtt íslenskt flugfélag Skoðað 11. desember 2010
  2. Flugleiðir að kaupa Bláfugl Skoðað þann 11. desember 2010
  3. „Aircraft Registry Lookup“. Icelandic Transport Authority (enska). Sótt 16. janúar 2023.