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Svartir Bandaríkjamenn

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Svipmyndir af nokkrum svörtum Bandaríkjamönnum. Réttsælis frá efra vinstra horni: W. E. B. Du Bois, Martin Luther King, Jr., Barack Obama, Sojourner Truth, Rosa Parks og Malcolm X.

Svartir Bandaríkjamenn eru Bandaríkjamenn sem komnir eru að öllu leyti eða að hluta til frá svörtum kynstofnum Afríku.[1][2] Enska heitið „African American“ vísar þá oft sérstaklega til afkomenda bandarískra þræla.[3][4][5]

Samkvæmt kynþáttaflokkun Bandaríkjanna eru svartir Bandaríkjamenn þriðji stærsti kynþáttur landsins á eftir hvítum og fólki frá Rómönsku Ameríku,[6] með rúmar 40 milljónir manns eða tæp 13% Bandaríkjanna.

Sjá einnig


  1. "The Black Population: 2010" (PDF), Census.gov, September 2011. "Black or African Americans" refers to a person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. The Black racial category includes people who marked the "Black, African Am., or Negro" checkbox. It also includes respondents who reported entries such as African American; Sub-Saharan African entries, such as Kenyan and Nigerian; and Afro-Caribbean entries, such as Haitian and Jamaican."
  2. African Americans Law & Legal Definition: "African Americans are citizens or residents of the United States who have origins in any of the black populations of Africa. In the United States, the terms are generally used for Americans with at least partial Sub-Saharan African ancestry."
  3. Carol Lynn Martin, Richard Fabes (2008). Discovering Child Development. Cengage Learning. bls. 19. ISBN 978-1111808112. Sótt 25 október 2014. „most (but not all) Americans of African descent are grouped racially as Black; however, the term African American refers to an ethnic group, most often to people whose ancestors experienced slavery in the United States (Soberon, 1996). Thus, not all Blacks in the United States are African-American (for example, some are from Haiti and others are from the Caribbean).“
  4. Don C. Locke, Deryl F. Bailey (2013). Increasing Multicultural Understanding. SAGE Publications. bls. 106. ISBN 978-1483314211. Sótt 7. mars 2018. „African American refers to descendants of enslaved Black people who are from the United States. The reason we use an entire continent (Africa) instead of a country (e.g., Irish American) is because slave masters purposefully obliterated tribal ancestry, language, and family units in order to destroy the spirit of the people they enslaved, thereby making it impossible for their descendants to trace their history prior to being born into slavery.“
  5. „The size and regional distribution of the black population“. Lewis Mumford Center. Afrit af upprunalegu geymt þann 12 október 2007. Sótt 1 október 2007.
  6. American FactFinder, United States Census Bureau. „United States – QT-P4. Race, Combinations of Two Races, and Not Hispanic or Latino: 2000“. Factfinder.census.gov. Afrit af upprunalegu geymt þann 6 júní 2011. Sótt 20 janúar 2011.
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