John N. Gray
John N. Gray | |
![]() John N. Gray | |
Persónulegar upplýsingar | |
Fæddur | 17. apríl 1948 |
Svæði | Vestræn heimspeki |
Tímabil | Heimspeki 20. aldar, Heimspeki 21. aldar |
Skóli/hefð | Rökgreiningarheimspeki |
Helstu ritverk | Liberalism; Postliberalism: Studies in Political Thought; Two Faces of Liberalism |
Helstu kenningar | Liberalism; Postliberalism: Studies in Political Thought; Two Faces of Liberalism |
Helstu viðfangsefni | stjórnmálaheimspeki |
John N. Gray (fæddur 17. apríl 1948 í South Shields á Englandi) er breskur heimspekingur og prófessor í Evrópskri hugmyndasögu við London School of Economics í London. Hann skrifar einnig reglulega í bresku blöðin The Guardian, New Statesman og The Times Literary Supplement.
[breyta | breyta frumkóða]- Mill on Liberty: A Defence (1983). ISBN 0710092709.
- Conceptions of Liberty in Political Philosophy (ritstjórn ásamt Zbigniew Pelczynski) (1984)
- Hayek on Liberty (1984)
- Liberalism (1986). ISBN 0816615217.
- Liberalisms: Essays in Political Philosophy (1989). ISBN 0415007445.
- J.S. Mill, "On Liberty": In Focus (ritstjórn ásamt G.W. Smith) (1991). ISBN 0415010012.
- Beyond the New Right: Markets, Government and the Common Environment (1993). ISBN 0415092973.
- Postliberalism: Studies in Political Thought (1993). ISBN 0415135532.
- Enlightenment's Wake: Politics and Culture at the Close of the Modern Age (1995). ISBN 0415163358.
- Isaiah Berlin (1995). ISBN 069104824X.
- Liberalism (2. útg.) (1995). ISBN 0816628017.
- After Social Democracy: Politics, Capitalism and the Common Life (1996)
- Mill on Liberty: A Defence (2. útg.) (1996)
- Endgames: Questions in Late Modern Political Thought (1997). ISBN 0745618820.
- Hayek on Liberty (3. útg.) (1998)
- False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism (1998). ISBN 1565845927.
- Voltaire (1998). ISBN 0415923948.
- Two Faces of Liberalism (2000). ISBN 1565845897.
- Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals (2002). ISBN 1862075123.
- Al Qaeda and What it Means to be Modern (2003). ISBN 1565848055.
- Heresies: Against Progress and Other Illusions (2004). ISBN 1862077185.
- Black Mass: Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia (2007). ISBN 0713999152.
[breyta | breyta frumkóða]- John Gray: Forget everything you know, viðtal í blaðinu Independent ásamt úrdrætti úr bók hans Straw dogs 3. september 2002