(Endurbeint frá Svínaflensan)

Svínaflensa er smitandi öndunarsjúkdómur sem herjar yfirleitt á svín og orsakast af inflúensuveiru.
Fólk sem vinnur með svín og svínaafurðir getur sýkst af afbrigðum af svínaflensu og getur vírusinn stökkbreyst þannig að svínaflensa geti smitast milli manna. Talið er að afbrigðið sem olli Svínaflensufaraldrinum 2009 sé þannig stökkbreyting af H1N1 afbrigði [1]
[breyta | breyta frumkóða]- ↑ Swine influenza Word Health Organization
Nánara lesefni
[breyta | breyta frumkóða]- Van Reeth K (2007). „Avian and swine influenza viruses: our current understanding of the zoonotic risk“. Veterinary Research. 38 (2): 243–60. doi:10.1051/vetres:2006062. PMID 17257572.
- Hampson AW, Mackenzie JS (nóvember 2006). „The influenza viruses“. The Medical Journal of Australia. 185 (10 Suppl): S39–43. PMID 17115950.
- Lipatov AS, Govorkova EA, Webby RJ; og fleiri (september 2004). „Influenza: emergence and control“. The Journal of Virololy. 78 (17): 8951–9. doi:10.1128/JVI.78.17.8951-8959.2004. PMC 506949. PMID 15308692.
- Reid AH, Taubenberger JK (september 2003). „The origin of the 1918 pandemic influenza virus: a continuing enigma“. The Journal of General Virology. 84 (Pt 9): 2285–92. PMID 12917448.[óvirkur tengill]
- Taubenberger JK, Reid AH, Janczewski TA, Fanning TG (desember 2001). „Integrating historical, clinical and molecular genetic data in order to explain the origin and virulence of the 1918 Spanish influenza virus“. Philosphial Transactions of the Royal Societ in London B: Biological Sciences. 356 (1416): 1829–39. doi:10.1098/rstb.2001.1020. PMC 1088558. PMID 11779381.
- Alexander DJ (október 1982). „Ecological aspects of influenza A viruses in animals and their relationship to human influenza: a review“. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 75 (10): 799–811. PMC 1438138. PMID 6752410.
- Winkler WG (október 1970). „Influenza in animals: its possible public health significance“. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 6 (4): 239–42, discussion 247–8. PMID 16512120.[óvirkur tengill]
- de Jong JC, Smith DJ, Lapedes AS; og fleiri (apríl 2007). „Antigenic and genetic evolution of swine influenza A (H3N2) viruses in Europe“. The Journal of Virology. 81 (8): 4315–22. doi:10.1128/JVI.02458-06. PMC 1866135. PMID 17287258.
- Taubenberger JK, Morens DM (2008). „The pathology of influenza virus infections“. Annual Review of Pathology. 3: 499–522. doi:10.1146/annurev.pathmechdis.3.121806.154316. PMC 2504709. PMID 18039138.
[breyta | breyta frumkóða]- Landlæknisembættið:Svínaflensa
- Landlæknisembættið:Upplýsingar um svínaflensu A H1N1 spurningar og svör
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Swine Flu
- "Swine Flu Cases Without Swine Exposure" Geymt 29 apríl 2009 í Wayback Machine Center for Biosecurity of UPMC
- Outbreak Alerts Latest news and videos on viral epidemics and pandemics
- The ongoing challenge of swine flu Geymt 29 apríl 2009 í Wayback Machine presentation by Marie Gramer, D.V.M., Ph.D., veterinary diagnostician at the University of Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory.
- The Swine Flu Affair: Decision-Making on a Slippery Disease Original 1978 U.S.A. Department of Health Education and Welfare review by Richard E. Neustadt and Harvey V Fineberg available from Louisiana State University Law Center Medical and Public Health Law Site.
- Surface sanitation and interruption of influenza using NAV-CO2
- The Swine Flu Episode and the Fog of Epidemics by Richard Krause in CDC's Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal Vol. 12, No. 1 January 2006 published December 20, 2005
- SWINE INFLUENZA by Carol G. Woodlief of College of Veterinary Medicine at North Carolina State University Geymt 25 apríl 2009 í Wayback Machine Overview, symptoms in pigs, treatment for pigs
- In California and Texas, 5 New Swine Flu Cases Washington Post, By Rob Stein (Staff Writer)
- Swine Flu In Mexico And U.S. May Lead To Pandemic, WHO Says Geymt 29 apríl 2009 í Wayback Machine AHN, Mayur Pahilajani (Staff Writer)
- News and information on the 2009 human swine flu outbreak Geymt 28 apríl 2009 í Wayback Machine
- H1N1 Swine Flu cases tagged on Google Maps
- World Health Organization (WHO): Swine influenza
- MedWorm's Swine Flu RSS Newsfeed (compiled from thousands of authoritative medical and news feeds) Geymt 31 ágúst 2009 í Wayback Machine
- Survival Emergency and Communication Gear Geymt 13 apríl 2009 í Wayback Machine