Tilraun með heimildaskrif í wikipedia (um MOOC)
Þrátt fyrir að lítill hluti nemenda ljúki MOOC námskeiðum er það hugsanlega vegna þess að litlar aðgangshindranir eru á námskeið og lítið í húfi fyrir þátttakendur.[4]
Tale of two moocs[5]
Deng ofl. skoðuðu 102 vísindagreinar frá árunum 2014 og 2016 sem fjölluðu um nám og kennsla og MOOC námskeið og greindu með því að nota sem stofanaumgjörð Biggs’ 3P Model of Teaching and Learning. Greiningin fól í sér fjóra þætti þætti sem tengjast nemanda, kennslu, virkni nemenda, og útkomu námsThe analysis examines four key learning and teaching factors: learner factors, teaching context, learner engagement, and learning outcomes. Five important findings emerged from this analysis: (1) evidence-based research on non-mainstream consumers of MOOCs is scarce; (2) the role of learner factors is oversimplified in evidence-based MOOC research; (3) there is no attempt to reconcile different approaches to measuring learner engagement with MOOCs; (4) measures of learning outcomes lack sophistication and are often based on single variables; and (5) the relationships between many of the key learning and teaching factors have not been clarified. It is argued that continuing to study learning and teaching factors in isolation without considering how they interact with each other does not move the research field forward.[6]
ennþá ein greinin[7]
Grein um MOOC og Twitter [8]
Grein um MOOC og kennslufræði [9]
Dæmi um MOOC námskeið hjá European Schoolnet Deep Dive MOOC [10]
Dæmi um MOOC námskeið um siðferði í rannsóknum[11]
[breyta | breyta frumkóða]- ↑ Esteban-Guitart, Moisès; Moll, Luis C (2014-03). „Funds of Identity: A new concept based on the Funds of Knowledge approach“. Culture & Psychology (enska). 20 (1): 31–48. doi:10.1177/1354067X13515934. ISSN 1354-067X.
- ↑ Gee, James Paul; Hayes, Elisabeth (2012), Steinkuehler, Constance; Squire, Kurt; Barab, Sasha (ritstjórar), „Nurturing Affinity Spaces and Game-Based Learning“, Games, Learning, and Society, Cambridge University Press, bls. 129–153, doi:10.1017/cbo9781139031127.015, ISBN 978-1-139-03112-7, sótt 3. janúar 2020
- ↑ Marlatt, Rick (17. júlí 2019). „Capitalizing on the Craze of Fortnite: Toward a Conceptual Framework for Understanding How Gamers Construct Communities of Practice“. Journal of Education (bandarísk enska). 200 (1): 3–11. doi:10.1177/0022057419864531. ISSN 0022-0574.
- ↑ Hew, Khe Foon; Hu, Xiang; Qiao, Chen; Tang, Ying (1. febrúar 2020). „What predicts student satisfaction with MOOCs: A gradient boosting trees supervised machine learning and sentiment analysis approach“. Computers & Education. 145: 103724. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2019.103724. ISSN 0360-1315.
- ↑ Brooker, Abi; Corrin, Linda; Barba, Paula de; Lodge, Jason; Kennedy, Gregor (28. mars 2018). „A tale of two MOOCs: How student motivation and participation predict learning outcomes in different MOOCs“. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (enska). 34 (1). doi:10.14742/ajet.3237. ISSN 1449-5554.
- ↑ Deng, Ruiqi; Benckendorff, Pierre; Gannaway, Deanne (1. febrúar 2019). „Progress and new directions for teaching and learning in MOOCs“. Computers & Education. 129: 48–60. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2018.10.019. ISSN 0360-1315.
- ↑ Ebner, Martin; Schön, Sandra; Braun, Clarissa (2020), Yu, Shengquan; Ally, Mohamed; Tsinakos, Avgoustos (ritstjórar), „More Than a MOOC—Seven Learning and Teaching Scenarios to Use MOOCs in Higher Education and Beyond“, Emerging Technologies and Pedagogies in the Curriculum (enska), Springer Singapore, bls. 75–87, doi:10.1007/978-981-15-0618-5_5, ISBN 978-981-15-0617-8, sótt 18. janúar 2020
- ↑ Costello, Eamon; Brown, Mark; Mhichíl, Mairéad Nic Giolla; Zhang, Jingjing (6. desember 2018). „Big course small talk: twitter and MOOCs — a systematic review of research designs 2011–2017“. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education. 15 (1): 44. doi:10.1186/s41239-018-0127-9. ISSN 2365-9440.
- ↑ Quintana, Rebecca Mary; Tan, Yuanru (1. desember 2019). „Characterizing MOOC Pedagogies: Exploring Tools and Methods for Learning Designers and Researchers“. Online Learning (enska). 23 (4). doi:10.24059/olj.v23i4.2084. ISSN 2472-5730.
- ↑ „Course | CWDive | European Schoolnet Academy“. Sótt 6. febrúar 2020.
- ↑ FutureLearn. „People Studying People - Online Course“. FutureLearn (bresk enska). Sótt 6. febrúar 2020.