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„Wikipedia:Vélmenni“: Munur á milli breytinga

Úr Wikipediu, frjálsa alfræðiritinu
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Myst (spjall | framlög)
Dinamik (spjall | framlög)
→‎Dinamik-bot: new request
Lína 435: Lína 435:
* Programming Language: pywikipedia
* Programming Language: pywikipedia
* Function Summary: add interwikis with variable home wiki, solve conflicts semi-manually with French wiki as home wiki
* Function Summary: add interwikis with variable home wiki, solve conflicts semi-manually with French wiki as home wiki

== [[user:Dinamik-bot|Dinamik-bot]] ==
* Operator: [[:ru:user:Dinamik|Dinamik]]
* Purpose: interwiki links
* Automatic or Manually Assisted: automatic
* Programming Language: [[:en:Python (programming language)|Python]], [[:meta:pywikipedia|pywikipedia]]
* Function Summary: add interwiki links with ru-wiki as home wiki
* Note: In any case, please, unblock my bot: they can think, that my bot did something bad and therefore was blocked. My global bot was working in is-wiki, because is-wiki was in list of allowed wikis. I will not work in is-wiki in future, until I get a lockal flag here. [[Notandi:Dinamik|Dinamik]] 29. maí 2010 kl. 12:28 (UTC)

[[Flokkur:Samþykktir Wikipediu|{{PAGENAME}}]]
[[Flokkur:Samþykktir Wikipediu|{{PAGENAME}}]]

Útgáfa síðunnar 29. maí 2010 kl. 12:28


Vélmenni eru aðferðir til að hafa óhandvirk samskipti við Wikipediu í gegnum notendaviðmótin. Vélmenni kunna að vera sjálfvirk eða, með hjálp notenda, hálfsjálfvirk og er þeim ætlað að hjálpa til með viðhald, tiltektir, leiðréttingar og fleira. Sá sem að stjórnar vélmenni ber fulla ábyrgð á gjörðum þess.

Bot policy

To operate a bot on this wiki you have to have a local flag. Note to Stewards, we explicitly don't follow the global Bot policy on this wiki.

We were mistakenly marked as doing so in the past (see discussion). But that's now fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.

What we want

  • We'd like to have corresponding links back to articles that link to us
  • We'd like to place links from iswiki on other well noticed wikis (e.g. en, de) so they'll eventually propagate back through the rest of the Wikipedia language editions

What we don't want

  • Lots of bot edits, this clouds up our article histories

So, we want as few bots as possible each with as wide a reach as possible, ideally we'd have under 5 bots which would run on occasion with various home wikis (mylang in pywikipediabot). A few bots that run with various wikis as their home wiki (e.g. no, nn, da, en, fi, se, ...) and transfer new interwiki links to is: back here as well as doing the reverse in turn with is as their home wiki.

Applying for a bot flag

  • If your bot functionality as a subset of an existing active bot's functionality, e.g. you run with en as your home wiki with de and se as secondary languages and another existing bot runs with both en and de as their home wikis and se we probably won't accept your bot. It would only serve to add more edits to the wiki with less content
  • If your bot's function is a superset of an existing bot's functionality and it runs on a similar schedule tell us and we'll consider replacing that bot with yours

Applying for a bot flag

First, read the bot policy to see if your bot is needed and wanted. Then add the following to this page:

== NAME ==
* Operator: 
* Purpose:
* Automatic or Manually Assisted: 
* Programming Language: 
* Function Summary:

In addition add the following for interwiki bots:

=== Interwiki ===
<!-- Duplicate this section if your bot runs on more than one primary/secondary language combinations -->
* Primary language (<code>mylang</code> in <code>user-config.py</code>): 
* Secondary languages: (<code>usernames['wikipedia'][XX]</code>)

Vélmenni og tungumál þeirra

Þetta er skrá yfir interwiki vélmenni, upphafstungumál þeirra og önnur tungumál sem þau starfa á.

Nafn Framlög Upphafsmál Önnur mál Athugasemd
BodhisattvaBot framlög hr
BotMultichill framlög nl
DragonBot framlög ml
Escarbot framlög fr
Idioma-bot framlög lt
JAnDbot framlög cs
JhsBot framlög no Virkur 2010
KhanBot framlög nn
LA2-bot framlög
LaaknorBot framlög no
MelancholieBot framlög listi Af notandasíðunni má skilja að þessi keyri með öll þessi tungumál sem sitt heimawiki. Ef svo er getum við haft hann inni en hent ansi mörgum öðrum út
Purbo T framlög ksh Óvirkur síðan 2007
Robbot framlög en
Sauðkindin framlög is en, fo Engar breytingar á þessu ári, keyrir hún ennþá cron á -new?
SieBot framlög nl? Síðustu breytingar í nóv. '08
SilvonenBot framlög fi
Soulbot framlög no
SpBot framlög de
SpillingBot framlög is no, nn, sv, da, en, de
StigBot framlög no Engar breytingar árið 2009
Synthebot framlög ia
TXiKiBoT framlög en
Thijs!bot framlög Engar breytingar 2009
VolkovBot framlög ru
Zorrobot framlög no

I would like to get a bot-flag on this wiki.

  • Operator: de:User:Euku
  • Purpose: Interwiki links: It adds/modifies/deletes interwiki links.
  • Software: pywikipediabot framework via SVN
  • Already has bot flag on: als, ar, an, bn, bs, ca, cs, dv, da, hu, es, nap, oc, ro, sq, tr, be-x-old, ru, de (on German Wikipedia since 2006, with >60.000 edits), look at details (or alternative page)
Thank you! --SpBot 16. maí 2008 kl. 12:55 (UTC)[svara]
Done. — Jóna Þórunn 7. júní 2008 kl. 21:26 (UTC)[svara]

I would like to get a bot-flag on this wiki.

  • Operator: als:User:Melancholie
  • Purpose: Interwiki links: It adds/modifies interwiki links.
  • Software: PyWikipediabot framework via SVN
  • Already has bot flag on: 130++ wikis, see Notandi:MelancholieBot for any details, please.
Thank you! --Melancholie 2. júní 2008 kl. 06:35 (UTC)[svara]
  • Operator: no:User:Laaknor
  • Purpose: interwiki from no and nn
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: manual
  • Programming Language: pywikipedia
  • Function Summary: Will mostly work from list of missing interwiki-links on no and nn, and articles I find while patrolling.

Laaknor 7. júní 2008 kl. 14:32 (UTC)[svara]

Done. — Jóna Þórunn 7. júní 2008 kl. 21:26 (UTC)[svara]
Done. — Jóna Þórunn 9. júní 2008 kl. 21:47 (UTC)[svara]
  • Operator: Stigmj (talk)
  • Purpose: mainly interwiki
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: Runs manually initiated automatic supervised and sometimes entirely manual.
  • Programming Language: Pywikipedia, updated from SVN before each run.
  • Function Summary: Mainly interwiki, but can be used in user-namespace for adding userpages etc. on request from the affected users. Already has bot flag on: als, ar, be-x-old, bpy, ca, cs, cu, da, de, en, eo, es, fr, fur, gu, gv, hsb, hu, ia, ie, io, it, iu, ja, mi, mk, new, nl, nn, no, oc, os, pl, pt, ro, ru, sco, si, simple, so, sv, tr, udm, uz and vo
Done. — Jóna Þórunn 29. júní 2008 kl. 22:33 (UTC)[svara]

Muro Bot (global bot)

  • Operator: es:Muro de Aguas
  • Bot name: Muro Bot
  • Programming language: python
  • List of bot flags on other wikipedias: 60+ projects. Total editcount: 750.000 edits.
  • Contributions: contributions
  • Purpose: interwiki links and double-redirect fixing
  • Technical details (optional): I use the pywikipediabot framework, I update it every day from SVN.

Thanks. Muro de Aguas 3. júlí 2008 kl. 15:18 (UTC)[svara]

  • Operator: Luckas Blade
  • Purpose: Interwikis
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: Automatic
  • Programming Language: Pywikipedia
  • Already has bot flag: 39 wikis
  • Function Summary: Adds and modifies interwikis

Luckas Blade 5. ágúst 2008 kl. 18:22 (UTC)[svara]

  • Operator: fr:User:Gdgourou
  • Purpose: Interwiki
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: Automatic (-autonomous mode)
  • Programming Language: Pywikipediabot via SVN updated daily
  • Already has bot flag: 43 wikipedias
  • Function Summary: Fix interwikis

--Gdgourou 25. september 2008 kl. 11:00 (UTC)[svara]

Á móti

  1. Á móti Á móti --Budelberger 25. október 2008 kl. 02:11 (UTC) ().[svara]
The owner of this bot is known as a vandalist. His bot is useless. See also there. --Budelberger 8. nóvember 2008 kl. 18:14 (UTC) ().[svara]
Sorry for you but you inverse the role. I'am not a vandal (but it seem for you that admin are vandal) I'm a long time admin on FR and my bot have the global bot status. the only problem I found is that you seem could bear me--Gdgourou 10. nóvember 2008 kl. 10:20 (UTC)[svara]
  • Operator: ko:user:StormDaebak
  • Purpose: Interwiki add/fix
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: Manually assisted or autonomous continuous
  • Programming Language: pywikipedia interwiki.py (SVN updated )
  • Function Summary: Standard interwiki

StormDaebak 22. desember 2008 kl. 21:59 (UTC)[svara]


  • Primary language (ko in user-config.py):
  • Secondary languages: (usernames['wikipedia'][en]). Other languages: ar, bs, ca, cs, da, de, en, es, fi, fr, he, hu, ko, ku, mk, nl, nn, pt, ro, ru, sh, sl, tr, vi (24 flags, confirm here)

StormDaebak 22. desember 2008 kl. 21:59 (UTC)[svara]

  • Operator: LA2
  • Purpose: Various semi-manual edits, including interwiki
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: Both
  • Programming Language: Pywikipedia framework
  • Function Summary: I used to have a bot flag in 2007, when I fixed ISBNs in literature references, but apparently it was removed because of inactivity. Now I have started to add interwiki links between categories. This is a mix of manual edits (finding out the corresponding category, e.g. Lögfræði = Juridik) and semi-manual bot operations (to add links for other languages).
  • Languages: LA2-bot is active on sv,da,no,nn,is,fo,se,fi,et,lv,cs,ru

Thanks --Hercule 23. janúar 2009 kl. 16:40 (UTC)[svara]

Done. — Jóna Þórunn 14. mars 2009 kl. 20:50 (UTC)[svara]
  • Operator: simple:User:Razorflame
  • Function: interwiki
  • Operation: automatic as long as I am on, which is usually between 4 and 12 hours.
  • Software: standard pywikipediabot updated daily.
  • Has bot flags on:simple, it, es, fr, az, en, de, pt, bs, vec, ca, sv, vo, uk, ru, az, ar, ku, he, nl, hu, fi, eo, sk, ja, gl, vi, zh, pl, oc, id, an
  • Bot flags pending:cs, bg, be, fa, da, co, ro, ht, mr, sr, sl, ko, lt, no, tr, io, zh-yue, zh-classical, ast, bar, eu, si, so, yi, nds, zea, hy, ia, iu, ie, ig

This bot will be making anywheres between 4 and 12 edits per minute. If you require any test edits or if you grant or deny the flag, please contact me on my talk page over on Simple English Wikipedia: simple:User talk:Razorflame. Thank you! Razorflame 14. febrúar 2009 kl. 20:44 (UTC)[svara]

Thank you ! --Ghaly 14. mars 2009 kl. 07:08 (UTC)[svara]

  • Operator: Notandi:Xqt, SUL home: de:User:Xqt
  • Purpose: Solve double redirects, maintain interwiki links
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: Automatic mode
  • Programming Language: Python (pywikipedia framework)
  • Function Summary: Solve double redirects listed on special page as well as from moves log, maintain interwiki links in autonomous mode
  • Bot flags: Global flag, als, am, an, ar, bar, ca, cs, de, eo, es, fr, hu, it, ja, nds, pdc, pl, pt, ro, ru, scn, th, tr, uk, ur, vi, vo, wuu [1] ( > 512k edits)

Thanks --Xqt 18. mars 2009 kl. 17:56 (UTC)[svara]

I did some test edits --Xqt 18. mars 2009 kl. 19:26 (UTC)[svara]
Thanks for granting the local bot flag --Xqt 10. júní 2009 kl. 13:53 (UTC)[svara]


  • Primary language (de in user-config.py):
  • Secondary languages: Running on all (about 170) wikis of the SUL account listed here


  • Operator: Nakor
  • Purpose: interwiki links
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: mostly automatic with manual runs to fix incorrect interwiki links found
  • Programming Language: pywikipedia
  • Function Summary: maintain interwiki links
  • Bot flags: 63 wikis and global flag

I will make a few test edits. Thanks. Nakor 12. maí 2009 kl. 02:16 (UTC)[svara]

Thanks for granting the flag. Nakor 6. júní 2009 kl. 23:56 (UTC)[svara]


  • Primary language (mylang in user-config.py): fr
  • Secondary languages: en, de


  • Operator: m:User:Egmontaz
  • Purpose:Interwiki
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: Semiautomatic
  • Programming Language: pywikipedia
  • Bot flags: be-x-old, el, hr, hu, mk, pnt, simple
  • Function Summary:maintain interwiki links


  • Primary language (mylang in user-config.py): el
  • Secondary languages: the bot will be run from el.wiki (my homewiki) and other small & medium sized wikipedias (the rule beeing roughly <50000 articles)

Regards --Egmontaz 3. mars 2010 kl. 09:05 (UTC)[svara]

I prematurely banned your bot because I thought you hadn't applied for a flag. Turned out that you did.
Anyway, as written in our #Bot policy we're trying to keep bot numbers down, does your bot do anything that e.g. #Almabot doesn't? It also runs from el.wikipedia. --Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason 20. maí 2010 kl. 13:59 (UTC)[svara]
It runs from el.wiki mainly and small & medium wiki from time to time. I have left you a message at your talk page, mainly about the ban, which I request to be lifted. Thank you. --Egmontaz 20. maí 2010 kl. 19:07 (UTC)[svara]
+ Almabot runs from en.wiki de.wiki & fr.wiki as I read in the link, I run from el.wiki. --Egmontaz 20. maí 2010 kl. 19:09 (UTC)[svara]
  • Operator: meta:user:Mercy
  • Purpose: interwiki linking, adding Commonscat templates
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: both
  • Programming Language: Python


  • Primary languages: cs, sk, simple
  • Secondary languages: dozens of small wikis (war, krc, xal...)

My bot is a global and multipurpose bot that is based on three Wikipedias where I am admin. It is scheduled to be run in 10-30 minute intervals (depending on day time) to synchronize interwiki links in new articles and categories. Then it is scheduled to be run on several small wikis depending on where it is needed (currently war, krc and xal wikis). Moreover, it is used to add the Link_FA and Commonscat templates (example here) to the articles and categories on various wikis. Then I use it for human-assisted correcting of confused interwiki links that can not be fixed in autonomous mode (example here) and for adding interwiki links to the articles and categories without them (example here). I would like to continue using my bot on this wiki because without having your approval, my work would be much harder. Thank you for your time and your consideration. Best regards, --Mercy 20. maí 2010 kl. 19:29 (UTC)[svara]

  • Operator: Amir
  • Purpose: Interwikilinks
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: Automatic 24/7
  • Programming Language: Python (pywikiframework)
  • Function Summary: Add interwiki from Persian wikipedia(sometimes bot checks az and mzn wiki) and has flag on ~50 wikis and global bot

ThanksLadsgroup 21. maí 2010 kl. 00:27 (UTC)[svara]

  • Operator: masti
  • Purpose: Interwikilinks
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: Automatic 24/7
  • Programming Language: Python (pywikiframework)
  • Function Summary: Add interwiki from Polish wikipedia. Flag already on: global, pl, ss, als, es, szl, cs, ast, ca, da, en, sk, de, hr, ba, fr, fi, la, nn, it, ba, el, simple, nl, eo, sv, myv, dv, be, crh, fo, ga, uk, ksh, lt, mt, tr, wuu, sq, sr, eu, mr, bs, zh-yue, vo, sl, bn, vi, ro, ar, vec, id, fy, pl.wikt, pl.news, pl.books, pl.source. List of flags:[2], Global edits: [3] --Masti 21. maí 2010 kl. 07:50 (UTC)[svara]
  • Operator: fr:User:Myst
  • Purpose: interwiki
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: Auto no-force
  • Programming Language: pywikipedia framework
  • Function Summary: propagate interwiki of new article on fr, en, it


  • Primary language (mylang in user-config.py): fr
  • Secondary languages: (usernames['wikipedia'][XX]): +32 Full list here + i have Global Bot Flag.

Myst 21. maí 2010 kl. 18:25 (UTC)[svara]

It doesn't look like this bot adds anything to our existing bot pool. See #Applying for a bot flag. --Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason 22. maí 2010 kl. 11:29 (UTC)[svara]
This bot only propagate interwiki from new article of fr, en and it (and maybe more). I quickly looked at bots recent changes, and I have not found that does exactly the same task as my bot. This bot didn't work on old article. My bot works like this since ~5 may 2010. Myst 23. maí 2010 kl. 05:58 (UTC)[svara]


  • Operator: fr:User:Sisyph
  • Purpose: interwiki, main and category spaces
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: mainly automatic mode, manual to solve conflicts base on [4]
  • Programming Language: pywikipedia
  • Function Summary: add interwikis with variable home wiki, solve conflicts semi-manually with French wiki as home wiki
  • Operator: Dinamik
  • Purpose: interwiki links
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: automatic
  • Programming Language: Python, pywikipedia
  • Function Summary: add interwiki links with ru-wiki as home wiki
  • Note: In any case, please, unblock my bot: they can think, that my bot did something bad and therefore was blocked. My global bot was working in is-wiki, because is-wiki was in list of allowed wikis. I will not work in is-wiki in future, until I get a lockal flag here. Dinamik 29. maí 2010 kl. 12:28 (UTC)[svara]