- Quid risisti? = Hví hlærðu?
- Non. = Nei.
- Quid? Non? = Hva, nei?
- Non inquam. = Ég sagði nei.
- Quid? Non? = Hva, nei?
- Quid faciam? = Hvað skal ég gera?
- Tune es Ballio? = Are you Ballio?
- In totam vitam quod satis sit = Nóg fyrir allt líf mitt
- Cui bono? = Og hverjum mun það gera gott?
- Quid est = Quid causae est = Cur = Af hverju
- Mea tu = Ástin mín
[breyta | breyta frumkóða]Orð
[breyta | breyta frumkóða]- Vivat (hann megi lifa!)= Lengi lifi {et nom}
- Vivant (þeir megi lifa!)= Lengi lifi {ft nom}
- Me {acc} miserum {acc} = Poor me
- Cave {word acc} = Beware of {word}
- Yes= Ita, ita est, recte, immo, sane, certe
- Esto (lit. he/she/it [shall] be) = So be it
- Ita fiat (lit. thus it shoud happen) = So be it
- Islandia = Ísland
- Islandicus, Islandica, Islandicum = íslenskur, íslensk, íslenskt
- Snelandia = Snæland (Iceland)
- Snelandicus, Snelandica, Snelandicum = íslenskur, íslensk, íslenskt
- Japonia = Japan
- Japonicus, Japonica, Japonicum = japanskur, japönsk, japanskt
- Quod = Because, as far as, insofar as
- Kyrie= Oh Lord (Greek vocative)
- Eleison = Have mercy- verb- undeclined (Greek imperative)
- Ossifraga = Bone-breaker; mutilator of children
- Bucculentus, bucculenta, bucculentum = Having fat/full cheeks; having a big mouth.
- Calliblepharatus, calliblepharata, calliblepharatum = Having beautiful (made up) eyes/eyelids
- Affectualis, affectualis, affectuale = Depending on a temporary condition
- Defututus, defututa, defututum = Worn out by excessive sexual intercourse; exhausted by sensuality
- Defricate adv. = with biting sarcasm, sharply, keenly
- Predictus adj. = aforesaid
- predicta regina Isabella = the aforesaid Queen Isabella
[breyta | breyta frumkóða]Fortuna
[breyta | breyta frumkóða]- Fortuna gloriae carnifex = Fortune is the butcher of glory
- Fortuna vitrea est; tum cum splendet, frangitur = Fortune is made of glass; at the moment when she glitters, she breaks.
- Quam sit varia vitae commutabilisque ratio, quam vaga volubilisque fortuna, quantae infidelitates in amicis = Look at how shifting and changing is the business of life, how fickle and flightly is Fortune, how many betrayals there are among friends.
- Fortuna est rotunda = Fortune is round
- Fortuna caeca est = Fortune is blind
- Victrix fortunae sapientia = Sigurvegari Lukkunnar [er] viska
- Regum fortuna casus praecipites rotat = Fortune spins the headlong downfalls of the kings.
- Fortuna amicos parat, inopia amicos probat = Prosperity obtains friends, poverty puts them to the test.
[breyta | breyta frumkóða]- Omnia dicta fortiora si dicta Latina = allt hljómar betur á latínu
- Quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur = hvað eina er mælt hefur verið á latínu virðist djúpt
- Etatis decem annorum est = is [of] the age of ten years.
- Ilicet malam crucem (lit. off with you towards the bad cross) = To hell with..
- Dies emortualis = Day of one's death
- Campana emortualis = Death knell
- Angina vinaria (lit. acute throat infection wine) = suffocation from wine
- Ad armillum redire (að snúa aftur að vínkrukkunni) = að snúa aftur til fyrra horfs, to fall back into old habbits, to get up to old tricks)
- Non nauci habere (ekki smás hafa) = Think nothing of
- Me pudet = I am ashamed
- Me tui pedet = I am ashamed of you
- Videlicet! = One can see, clearly
- Quippe = Of course, as you see, obviously
- Suis {dat} opibus {dat} nitor (lit. I depend on his own power) = Fend for oneself
- Oculos pascere (lit. to feed eyes) = Feast one's eyes on
- Quam primum (lit. ) = ASAP, As soon as possible
- Ultima ratio = The last resort
- Ultro te = Away with you!
- Ultro citroque = To and fro
- Tua virtute (lit. [with] your strength) = Thanks to you
- Pro virili parte = With the utmost effort, as far as a man may
- Terga vertere = Turn tail, flee
The dative of reference is sometimes used after interjections:
- VAE VICTIS (woe to the conquered) = Alas for the conquered!
- Em tibi = there, take that (there for you)!
- Animum adverto (lit. I turn the mind) = Notice
- Genibus advolvor = I am being fallen at the knees of someone
- Aegre est {subj dat} (lit. uncomfortably is {subj})= be disagreeable or displeasing to {dat}
- Amabo [te] (lit. I shall love [you]) = Thanks
- Ex animo = From the heart, sencerly
- Bono animo esse = To be of good heart
- Bono animo fac sis = Be of good heart!
- (pl., -um) = Girlfriend
- Signa confero = Join battle
- Committo preolium = Join battle
- De improviso = Unexpectedly/suddenly, without warning
- Molestus esse = Að vera ergjandi = To be annoying
- Refero gratiam = Render thanks
- Grates ago = I thank
- Grates agere = to give thanks
- Tumor ossilagini (ossilago) similis = bólga lík "beinherðu" (bólga hörð sem bein)
- Gratias ago/habeo {dat} = Thank, be thankful to
- Gratiam facio de = Politely decline an invitation
- Gratia {word in gen} = For the sake of {word}, the the purpose of {word}
- Ex itinere = out of the way, away from the road
- In medio = open to all
- E medio abeo (out of the public I depart)= I die
- Opus est mihi (tibi) = with {abl} of thing needed, I have need of, and {dat} of the thing in need
- Gladio {abl} puellae {dat} opus est = The girl needs a sword
- Opus est ei {dat} = He needs..
- Opus est ei = it/he/she is useful/beneficial
- Ab ovo usque ad mala = from the hors d'oeuvre to the dessert; i.e. from the beginning to the end
- Pace tua = By your leave
- Dominus habet oculos centum = Húsbúndinn hefur hundrað augu
- Habeo male = Bother, annoy
- Pro certo habeo = Know for certain
- Salvere jubeo = Greet; bid good day
- Valere jubeo/dico = To bid farewell or goodbye
- Tum Demum = Only then
- Fiat (lit. it may happen) = So be it
- Fit vilior (lit. it happens cheaper) = Is of no value
- Morbonia abeas! (lit. Plagueville, you must go forth) = Go to hell!
- Verba dare alicui (lit. orðum gefa einhverjum, aðgefa einhverjum orð to give someone words) = *Cheat/deceive someone
- Ad nutum (lit. að vilja/kinnkun/skipun, to will/nod/command) = Right now, with agreement
- Memoria tenere (lit. to hold memory) = to remember, að muna
- Vade retro me, satana = Go away from me, Satan = Vík frá mér Satan!
- Mane nobiscum, Domine! = Be with us, Oh Lord = Vert með oss, ó Drottinn!
- Adverso flumine = Against the current
- Secundo flumine = With the current
- Et quidem ego (And indeed I) = And I for my part
- Quod si = But if
- Non jam =No longer
- Jam pridem = Long ago
- Passis manibus (lit. spreaded out hands) = With hands outstretched
- Quam [serena]= how/so [serene]
- Me paenitet (lit. honum þykir mér leitt) = I am sorry
- Sub dio = Undir opnum himni = Under the open sky
- Vi veri veniversum vivus vici = By the power of truth I while living have conquered the universe.
- [Usque ad] annum 1630 = [right up to] the year 1630
- De regibus & eorum satrapis = Of kings and their satraps (governors)
- Dignus est quicum in tenebris mices (lit. worthy he is with whom in darkness you may flash) = someone who is worthy of trust
- Mulier, quid tibi cum Caelio? = Woman, what have you to do with Caelius?
- Itane agitis mecum? = Is this the way you are going to deal with me?
- Os opprime = Suppress your mouth!
- Baldur, inquam. = Baldur, I say.
- Non taces?- taceam? = You shan't be silent/won't you hold your tongue? Hold my tongue?
- Tace = Say no more.. Silence.
- Fac taceas! = shut up!
- Quis nominat me? -Hem. = Who calls me? - Ha!
- Nihil est = 'Tis nothing! It's nothing.
- Ehem, opportune: te ipsum quaerito. = Oh,-opportunely met; you are the very man I was looking for.
- Quidnam id est? = Why, what is it?
- Pro Iupiter! tu homo adigis me ad insaniam. = O Jupiter! You, sir, are driving me to distraction.
- Mihi sic videtur. = So it seems to me.
- I intro iam nunc. = Now then, step in.
- Quid agerem? = What could I do?
- Age = Come!
- Paulisper mane = Stay a little.
- Quid est? (answer: Quid sit?) = What's the matter/what is it? (responsum: What's the matter?!)
- Ubi ille est sacrilegus? = Where is that villain?
- Opportune = Well met!
- Quid fit, Ctesipho? = How goes it, Ctesipho?
- Age inepte! = Go you simpleton!
- Pudebat = I felt ashamed
- Obsecro = Prithee ([I] pray thee)
- Laterī abdidit ēnsem = buried the sword in his side.
- Quō mihi fortūnam? = of what use to me is fortune?
- prō patriā morī = to die for one's country
- quid tibi vīs = what would you have (what do you wish for yourself)?
- sēdēs huic nostrō nōn importūna sermōnī = a place not unsuitable for this conversation of ours
- Perii! Quare?? = Then I am undone! Why so?
- Quid ages? = What is it you say?
- Vide quam rem agas! = take care what you do!
- Recte sane = Quite right.
- Phy = Pish! Tush! (expression of disgust)
- Carens patriā = í útlegð
- Sic est factum = Such is the fact, that’s a fact
- Quidni = why not?
- Dic sodes = Do tell me (I beseech you)
- Nihilne in mentem? = Does nothing suggest itself to your mind?
- Ita uti dixi = Do as I told you
- Perge = Go on, haltu áfram
- Obsecro, non? = Why not, pray?
- Pater, obsecro, non ludis tu nunc me? = Father, are you now jesting with me, pray?
- Quid? Ille ubi est Milesius? = Well, where is this Milesian?
- Audivi = So I have heard.
- Pro divum fidem! = For heaven's sake!
- Cur non? = why not?
- Tu si meus [servus] esses (ef þú minn værir) = If you were my [servant]
- Ah, pergisne? = Ah, at it again?
- Quis homo? = Who is it?/What man?
- Qui vocare? = What's your name?
- Tu hic eras? = Are you here?
- Tu iubes hoc, Alexandra? = Is this your order, Alexandra?
- Fac surgas = get up! (can also be used as a simple imperative (surge!) )
- Quid hoc sibi vult? = what’s going on?
- Videtur = it seems
- Signa inferre! = Attack!
- Ad arma! = Til vopna!
- Trunce! = Asni!
- In ore omnium esse = að vera á allra vörum
- Non ex vero = a lie
- Malam rem hinc abis! = Away to perdition with you!
- Abi in malam rem = Go away into a bad situation! (from Andria, by Terentius Afer)
- Di boni, boni quid porto! = Ye gracious Gods, what good news I bring.
- Ades = Come here
- Bene mones = You advise well.
- Ridiculum caput = You silly fellow
- Non opinor Dave. “Opinor” narras. = I think not Davus. “Think” you say.
- Quid igitur sibi vult pater? = What then does my father mean?
- Ego dicam tibi. = I’ll tell you.
- Ne nega = Don’t say so.
- Quid Davus narrat? = What does Davus say?
- Nihilne? Hem. (Nihil prorsus) = What, nothing? Eh? (Nothing at all)
- Ausculto: loquere quid velis. = Ég er að hlusta, segðu það sem þú vilt.
- Irae sunt inter Glycerium et gnatum. = There is a quarrel between Glycerium and my son.
- Profecto sic est. =It really is so.
- Di vestram fidem = Ye gods.. By our trust (in you).
- Ita praedicant. = So they say.
- A certain man of Attica, a long time ago, is ship being wrecked, was cast ashore at Andros = Atticus quidam olim navi fracta apud Andrum eiectus est
- Pamphilus ubinam hic est? = I wonder where on earth Pamphilius is.
- Quis homo est? = Who is it?
- Plaudite = Grant us your applause, klappiði
- Dic mihi hoc primum, potis est hic tacere? = First tell me this; can this fellow possibly hold his tongue?
- Amo (amare)= Ég er ástfanginn (vera ástfanginn)
- Et melior vero quaeritur arte color = And by art a colour is sought superior to the genuine one."
- Color verus, corpus solidum et succi plenum = Her complexion genuine, her flesh firm and full of juiciness.
- Anni? (literally. years?) = Her/his/it’s age? Aldur hennar/hans/þess?
- Anni? Sedecim. = Years? Sixteen.
- Magnas vero agere gratias Thais mihi? = Did Thais really return me many thanks?
- Ita me Di ament honestus est = God bless me, he's handsome.
- Quid tu ais, Gnatho? = What say you, Gnatho?
- Satis id tibi placet? = Are you quite pleased with it?
- Quid ego feci? = What have I done?
- Homo nulli coloris = neither fish nor flesh/fowl = hvorki fugl né fiskur
- Quid ais? = Hvað segirðu [þá]?
- You, you, I say. Do you wish for an owl to be brought here, to say "you, you," continually to you? For we are now quite tired of it. = Tu, tu istic, inquam. vis adferri noctuam, quae ‘tu tu’ usque dicat tibi? nam nos iam defessi sumus.
- Animam agere = to expel the breath of life, give up the ghost, expire
in tua manu est = it rests with you, þetta er í þínum höndum
- Te suspendito. = Go hang yourself.
- Baldurus ego vocor = I am called Baldur
- Simia in pelle leonis = a monkey in the lion’s skin
- Leonis exuvium super asinum = A lion’s skin on a donkey
- Quis istic est? = Who is this person?
- facete dictum = gáfulegt sagt
- mox cecinit laudes prosperiore lyrā
- si Threicio blandius Orpheo auditam moderere arboribus fidem = though more suasive than the bard of Thrace, you swept the lyre that trees were fain to hear,
- sed ego inscitus qui domino me postulem moderarier = But I'm an unreasonable fellow to wish to rule my master
- Non placet. In mutum culpam confert, quit loqui. Nam vinum si fabulari possit, se defenderet. Non vinum viris moderari, sed viri vino solent, qui, quidem, probi sunt. Verum qui improbust si quasi bibit. = You please me not. You throw the blame on what is dumb, that which cannot speak. But the wine, if it could speak, would defend itself. It's not wine that's in the habit of ruling men, but men wine, those, indeed, who are good.
- Quid agimus, soror, si offirmabit pater adversum nos? = What are we to do, sister, if our father shall resolve against us?
- Sat est osculi mihi vostri. = I've had enough of your kissing.
- Sat sic fultum est. (Literally "enough is it thus supported." ) = Nicely seated now as I am.
- Quid agis? - Quid agam, rogitas? = What’s your business? - What's my business, do you ask?
- Noli te inflare, ne crepes. Don’t puff yourself up, lest you might burst.
- Non scholae sed vitae discimus = We learn, not for school, but for life.
- Parietes habent aures = The walls have ears.
- Vacuum vas altius pleno vaso resonat = An empty pot makes a deeper noise than a pot that is full. (bylur hátt í tómri tunnu/ Empty vessels make the most noise)
- Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae = There is no great talent without an admixture of madness.
- Paulum lucri, quantum damni = So little profit, so much loss.
- In terra caecorum monoculus rex = In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
- Summa est in silvis fames dum lupus lupum vorat = Hæst er í skógi hungrið er úlfur etur úlf
- In vestimentis non est sapientia mentis = Wisdom of mind is not in the clothing.
- Salomone sapientior = Wiser than Solomon. = Salómoni vitrari.
- Sapiens a se ipso pendet = The wise man relies on himself.
- Quod dei deo, quod Caesaris Caesari = That which is God's, to God; that which is Caesar's, to Caesar.
- Patria mea totus mundus est. = My fatherland is the whole world.
- Quam cito transit gloria mundi = How quickly the glory of the world passes by.
- Athanasius contra mundum!!! WTF! = Athanasius against the world.
- Alius est amor, alius cupido = Love is one thing, desire another.
- Facile omnes cum valemus recta consilia aegrotis damus = We all find it easy to give the right advice to the sick when we are well.
- Cuique suum = To each his own.
- Nec habeo, nec careo, nec curo. = I have not, I lack not, I care not.
- Hic mortui vivunt, hic muti loquuntur. = Here the dead live; here the mute speak. (library)
- Cornescere = To become horny
Latínu bull
[breyta | breyta frumkóða]- Impetus numerorum magnorum = Attack of the big numbers
- Colloquium noctium multarum = Margra nótta tal = Talk of many nights
- Manus tuae sunt sanguinolentae, Xandra = Your hands are bloody, Alex.
- Rota tu volubilis (lit. hjól þú snúandi) = Þú snúandi hjól
- Homo tu bardus! = þú heimski maður (?)
[breyta | breyta frumkóða]- Catharsis
- (selfcoined) Extempo adv. = out of the weather
- Oh dear, it’s pouring buckets outside! Do enter extempo.
- Caveat emptor = Let the buyer beware
- Perquisite n. = sth to which sb has a special right because of their social position
- Gesticulate = Pata hödunum, move arms and hands about in order to attract attention
- Tickle the ivories = að spila á píanó
- Don't shoot the pianist, he's doing his best
- To use bitter words, when kind words are at hand is like picking unripe fruit when the ripe fruit is there. -Thiruvalluvar, poet (c. 1st centuryBCE or 6th century CE)
[breyta | breyta frumkóða]- Vot偀ur = sá sem er linur af sér, kveinkar sér, ungur grannvaxinn maður
- Horvatn = Sviti af horuðum manni
- Sveitarlimur =Hreppsómagi
- Beyond doubt = engum vafa undirorpið
- Vínhneigður = Gefinn fyrir vín, drykkfelldur
- Sjá myndina sem syndin hefur tekið á sig.
[breyta | breyta frumkóða]- 暇人= a "freetime person"
- 豚のような悲鳴をあげる=ぶたようなひめいをあげる=buta no you na himei o ageru