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English: Study showing four functional networks that were found to be highly consistent across subjects. These modules include the visual (yellow), sensory/motor (orange) and basal ganglia (red) cortices as well as the default mode network (precuneus/posterior cingulate, inferior parietal lobes, and medial frontal gyrus; maroon). Overlap among these modules was present but minimal (white).[1]
PLoS One. 2012; 7(8): e44428.
Published online 2012 August 31
Malaak N. Moussa, Matthew R. Steen, Paul J. Laurienti, and Satoru Hayasaka
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↑Moussa, Malaak N. (2012-08-31). "Consistency of Network Modules in Resting-State fMRI Connectome Data". PLoS ONE7 (8): e44428. Public Library of Science (PLoS). DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0044428. ISSN1932-6203.
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Module-specific SI of four most consistent modules across subjects.Row 1: Four functional modules were found to be highly consistent across subjects. These modules include the visual (yellow), sensory/motor (orange) and basal ganglia (red) cortices as well as the default mode network (precuneus/posterior cingulate, inferior parietal lobes, and medial frontal gyrus; maroon). Overlap among these modules was present but minimal (white). Rows 2?5: Module-specific SI images for each of the four most consistent modules, namely the visual (row 2), sensory/motor (row 3), basal ganglia (row 4), and default mode (row 5) modules. Note that the visual, sensory/motor and basal ganglia all show higher consistency across subjects than the default mode module. Among the default mode areas, the precuneus and posterior cingulate cortex show the greatest consistency across subjects.