This Picture shows the work place woth the Bookeye 4 in the former private residetiial area of Emperor Franz II.. Later it was the private residentiial area of Kronprinz Rudolf. This office was part of the kttchen at this times.
This office contains apprx. 4.500 books.and document folders, as a part ofl of 90.000 books from the library of the Office of Cultural Heritage of Austria.
Another one of my pictures: Want to see more works of mine? click here
Deutsch: Dieses Foto wurde von Hubertl erstellt und unter nachfolgend aufgeführter Lizenz veröffentlicht. Das Bild kann frei verwendet werden solange der Urheber, die Quelle (Wikimedia Commons) und die Lizenz (CC-BY-SA 4.0) in erkennbarem Zusammenhang mit dem Bild genannt wird.
English: This photograph was taken by Hubertl and released under the license(s) stated below. You are free to use it for any purpose as long as you credit the author, the Source (Wikimedia Commons) and the license (CC-BY-SA 4.0) in close relation to the image.
tilvísun höfundarréttar – Þú verður að tilgreina viðurkenningu á höfundarréttindum, gefa upp tengil á notkunarleyfið og gefa til kynna ef breytingar hafa verið gerðar. Þú getur gert þetta á einhvern ásættanlegan máta, en ekki á nokkurn þann hátt sem bendi til þess að leyfisveitandinn styðji þig eða notkun þína á verkinu.
Deila eins – Ef þú breytir, yfirfærir eða byggir á þessu efni, þá mátt þú eingöngu dreifa því verki með sama eða svipuðu leyfi og upprunalega verkið er með.