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LýsingAn anthropologist at work. Africa.jpg
Русский: Антрополог работает на территории Судана. Фотография была сделана в рамках "Нубийской археологической и антропологической экспедиции Научно-исследовательского института и музея антропологии МГУ".
English: The anthropologist works on the territory of Sudan. The photo was taken as part of the "Nubian Archaeological and Anthropological Expedition of the Moscow State University Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology".
tilvísun höfundarréttar – Þú verður að tilgreina viðurkenningu á höfundarréttindum, gefa upp tengil á notkunarleyfið og gefa til kynna ef breytingar hafa verið gerðar. Þú getur gert þetta á einhvern ásættanlegan máta, en ekki á nokkurn þann hátt sem bendi til þess að leyfisveitandinn styðji þig eða notkun þína á verkinu. BY 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 truetrue
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The anthropologist works on the territory of Sudan. The photo was taken as part of the "Nubian Archaeological and Anthropological Expedition of the Moscow State University Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology".