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Bonn, Theodor Heuss, Konrad Adenauer
ÓþekkturUnknown author
Description provided by the archive when the original description is incomplete or wrong. You can help by reporting errors and typos at Commons:Bundesarchiv/Error reports.
Bonn, Villa Hammerschmidt.- Vlnr: Bundespräsident Theodor Heuss und Bundeskanzler Konrad Adenauer im Gespräch
Bonn, Theodor Heuss, Konrad Adenauer
Original caption
For documentary purposes the German Federal Archive often retained the original image captions, which may be erroneous, biased, obsolete or politically extreme.
Bundespräsident und Bundeskanzler in Villa Hammerschmidt
Bonn, 17.9.1953
This image was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the German Federal Archive (Deutsches Bundesarchiv) as part of a cooperation project. The German Federal Archive guarantees an authentic representation only using the originals (negative and/or positive), resp. the digitalization of the originals as provided by the Digital Image Archive.
tilvísun höfundarréttar – Þú verður að tilgreina viðurkenningu á höfundarréttindum, gefa upp tengil á notkunarleyfið og gefa til kynna ef breytingar hafa verið gerðar. Þú getur gert þetta á einhvern ásættanlegan máta, en ekki á nokkurn þann hátt sem bendi til þess að leyfisveitandinn styðji þig eða notkun þína á verkinu.
Deila eins – Ef þú breytir, yfirfærir eða byggir á þessu efni, þá mátt þú eingöngu dreifa því verki með sama eða svipuðu leyfi og upprunalega verkið er með.
== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description={{BArch-description |comment= <!-- add translations and/or more description --> |biased=<!-- if the original description text is biased, write here why! --> |headline=Heuss und Adenauer |caption=Bundesprä